Questions related to data protection in working life and the protection of employees’ privacy have grown in importance throughout the 21 century. Their importance becomes even more important as technology develops. In many problematic situations in working life, questions related to data protection have to be taken into account. Information is valuable, and questions related to data protection affect each of us.
According to the Finnish constitution, everyone’s private life and the secrecy of letters, phone calls and other confidential messages are protected. Data protection in working life is above all about reconciling the employee’s constitutional rights and the employer’s interests.
Regulations regarding the protection of employee privacy can be found in several different sources and statutes. In addition, one must be aware of EU-level regulation and jurisprudence. The most important sources of legislation are the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the data protection Act and the Act on the Protection of Privacy in Working Life. As a rapidly developing field of law, the regulation regarding the protection of personal data increases, changes and renews all the time. It is of the utmost importance that the employer masters the basic principles related to the processing of personal data, is able to utilize them in their own business and thus avoid possible pitfalls.
Typical data protection situations in working life concern, for example, information collected about the employee, the use of the employee’s email, technical monitoring and drug tests. The employer may not process personal data other than those necessary for the employment relationship, and the data must be collected primarily from the employee himself. If data is collected elsewhere, the employee’s consent is generally required. The processing of certain personal data, such as health data, is only permitted if the special conditions laid down in the law are met.
We consult our customers on question related to data protection in working life with solid personal skills. You can turn to us for any questions related to privacy protection.