Even with good anticipation or careful preparation, matters may escalate into disputes.
We specialize in labor and civil service disputes and handle our clients’ legal matters professionally, efficiently, and avoid unnecessary expenses. Our top priority is the client’s interest and absolute confidentiality. We provide the client with a realistic assessment of the chances of success in court and potential cost risks. We also establish whether the client has legal expense insurance and assist them in obtaining judicial protection decisions. If a company has legal expense insurance, it usually covers the company’s own legal fees, excluding the deductible, in accordance with the insurance terms.
We serve our clients in various disputes and conflict situations, including but not limited to:
In many cases, multiple ancillary claims may be presented in the same dispute.
In disputes related to the termination of employment, it is important to remember that, as a main rule, the burden of proof regarding the existence of a valid termination ground is on the employer.
We consult our customers on a daily basis in various labor law issues. We serve flexibly and efficiently. Our customer’s interest is always a priority, and we are able to offer our customers value-producing and practical solutions. We offer legal consultation in the following areas, among others:
Työoikeudelliset kysymykset ovat monitahoisia, vaikka saattavat näyttää yksinkertaisilta. Ne vaativat työoikeuden eri osa-alueiden monipuolista ja syvää osaamista. Työoikeustiimimme on rakennettu vahvoista ja kokeneista tekijöistä. Ota yhteyttä!
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