Our experts are at your disposal if your organization has a need for training on current labor law topics for management and supervisors. The trainer is always a specialized labor lawyer, and the content of the training is tailored to the needs and preferences of the client.
Currently, we provide training on topics such as:
We have trained numerous supervisors from various industries, both in the private and public sectors.
We consult our customers on a daily basis in various labor law issues. We serve flexibly and efficiently. Our customer’s interest is always a priority, and we are able to offer our customers value-producing and practical solutions. We offer legal consultation in the following areas, among others:
Työoikeudelliset kysymykset ovat monitahoisia, vaikka saattavat näyttää yksinkertaisilta. Ne vaativat työoikeuden eri osa-alueiden monipuolista ja syvää osaamista. Työoikeustiimimme on rakennettu vahvoista ja kokeneista tekijöistä. Ota yhteyttä!
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